// code to create title tags and analytics code generation
$titledatasql = “SELECT title,city,state FROM rehabsites WHERE domainname = ‘”.$_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’].”‘”;
$titledatares = mysql_query($titledatasql);
$titledatarray = mysql_fetch_assoc($titledatares);
//echo $titledisp;
$titledisp = $titledatarray[‘title’];
$citydisp = $titledatarray[‘city’];
$statedisp = $titledatarray[‘state’];
$outstring = << The subject of $titledisp in $citydisp $statedisp is vital to anyone needing help for drug or alcohol addiction, but remains a source of mixed information and cross messages. One search for $titledisp can lead you to information promoting rehab in the form of alternative drug therapy and out patient drug therapy while a second search for rehab can yield long term residential options completely drug free and holistic. For individuals across the nation, $titledisp is a serious topic and must yield the truthful information about help or someones life could be in jeopardy. $titledisp information is provided free of charge voluntarily by our addiction assistants every day. Our addiction rehab assistants will assess the issues that face you and your family and help you sort through the options until you are confident in your choice of solutions. If you are seeking $titledisp help NOW, give us a call. DYNLINKS; echo $outstring; {/runphp}