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There’s a lot to be said for the men and women who have dedicated their lives to helping others overcome substance abuse. These individuals work hard daily to help addicts recover and regain happiness in their lives and the lives of their families. Rehab clinic is one of the most rewarding jobs available today in […]
(122480)(0)Drug and alcohol problems took my son away from our family when he was only 18 years old. We didn’t know at the time that he was even using drugs. We were completely oblivious to the signs and knew nothing about addiction and how an addict would act when they were using. We thought our […]
(122006)(0)A drug habit destroys the lives of hundreds of thousands of people each year maybe even more. With an ever growing demand for the drug it seems that the numbers are on a constant rise. Addicts are consuming more and more to keep their selves from going through withdrawals and finding that their lives are […]
(122301)(0)Chemical dependence is a struggle that many people through out the world face in this day and age face. It is destroying the lives of many families and taking the lives of their loved ones at a rapid pace. Chemical dependence can be resolved for the addict and their family with the right addiction recovery […]